Curetes Street

It is the main street connecting upper Ephesus to the lower Ephesus. Its ancient name is Embolos. Herakles Gate, Terrace Houses, Hadrian Temple, Scholastica Baths and Hadrian's Gate are located on Curetes Street.
There was a marble road in the middle for the vehicles, mosaic sidewalks and shops on the each side of the street. It ends at the Celsus Library. Behind the shops and stores there were famous Terrace houses on each side of the street. Curetes name was given by an archeologist. Curetes were noble and well known priests. On the Curetes Street there were basements where statues of Ephesian donators were situated. There is only one statues still staying there on a basement. It is the statue of Alexandros who was a doctor and died because of malaria.